Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in Nigeria, the health professionals have been at the forefront to ensure that the public health issue does not become a public disaster. Providing health advice and tips, dispensing emotional and medical support, the pandemic has been largely put at bay by the efforts of the health professionals.
Pharm. Sam Igbokwe, a member of the Pharmaceutical Society of Nigeria and CEO of Danisam Pharmaceutical Ltd. is one of the frontliners advancing safety and wellness for the citizenry within and beyond the COVID-19 outbreak. In this interview with the Managing.

Trek Africa: What more would you like to share as it relates the current COVID-19 outbreak?
Pharm. Sam Igbokwe: COVID-19 outbreak is a global pandemic. There is no known cure and no vaccine yet. Bill Gates said it may get to September 2021 before they come up with their own vaccine.
Trek Africa: How has your organization coped during the outbreak?
Pharm. Sam Igbokwe: We have constantly let our customers and staffs know the risks involved. So we need to observe all basic instructions, wash your hands regularly, clean hands with sanitizers. Before anyone can come into our premises, they use the sanitizer and we clean our surfaces with sanitizer from time to time.
Trek Africa: Are you of the opinion that non-health workers wear face masks?

Pharm. Sam Igbokwe: well, there is not yet global acceptance as to its use. But it is best to know that prevention is better than cure. Even through currencies, it can be transmitted. So we sanitize our hands always and we pray and trust in God.
Trek Africa: How did you journey into pharmacy?
Pharm. Sam Igbokwe: one has to have passion for health and wellness. Profit is one, but that people have their health is more important. Having been in the industry for over 30 years, it is being worthwhile.
Trek Africa: How do you get drugs for your pharmacy store?
Pharm. Sam Igbokwe: We have medical representatives that bring drugs to us from pharmaceutical companies. When we place orders, they bring it for us.
Trek Africa: what is the capacity building structure for your staffs?
Pharm. Sam Igbokwe: Training and retraining is what we do for our staffs. When we announce vacancies, we hold interviews to get the best in terms of experience, education, character, and we also get them through our policy. We provide job satisfaction, salaries are increased and you can be promoted. We also inspire them from the Word of God that everything does not here. We make them know that you should love your neighbor as yourself in line with the ethics of the profession.
Trek Africa: How do you define integrity on a personal note?
Pharm. Sam Igbokwe: Integrity is about honesty. Let your word speak for you. Let your word be your bond. Be open. It is about truth and sincerity knowing that you are accountable to God.
Trek Africa: Do you think Nigerians are health conscious. What do you have to say about self-medication?
Pharm. Sam Igbokwe: Nigerians are health conscious. You want to be active. When you have headache you know something is wrong and you want to do something about it. But then, self medication is not good. When you have health issue, you should meet health professionals, go to hospitals. At the pharmacy level, we have the right to recommend over-the-counter drugs to people for small issues but if it is beyond us, we direct you to hospital. While some also bring their prescription from the hospital and we dispense to them. We have a book where we record the prescription drugs we sell. Nobody wants to die but you should know the appropriate quarters to go.


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